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The Amsterdam School for Historical Studies (ASH) of the Faculty of Humanities currently has a vacant PhD position affiliated with the international project DICES (Digital Initiative for Classics: Epic Speeches), led by principal investigators Dr. Berenice Verhelst (UvA) and Dr. C. Forstall (Mt. Allison University, Canada). The main supervisor will be Prof. Dr. Caroline Kroon.

A defining feature of epic is the mimetic representation of direct speech alongside narrator text. The role of speech in characterizing the epic heroes was acknowledged by the earliest critics: Aristotle already praised Homer for his skill of finding the fitting words for each character to say. Beyond the individual, speech reflects the social dynamics and power structures in the world of epic. Meanwhile, in the course of Antiquity, epic poets continued to portray speech in diverse ways reflecting cultural and linguistic change.


The brand-new DICES Database of Direct Speech provides a comprehensive reference for epic speech representation from Homer to Late Antiquity, opening up novel possibilities for studying aspects of style and characterization and allowing for wide-angled diachronic and cross-linguistic comparisons. You will explore the possibilities of a combined narratological (Verhelst), computational (Forstall) and linguistic approach (Kroon) to epic speech while working on a research project and epic text corpus (Latin and/or Greek) of your own design.


The deadline for application is 12 May 2024.